Developing a Positive Mindset in a Negative World
Before I dive on in - I’d just like to mention that I’m likely as ecstatic and exuberant as the folks in the image above on the day I’m writing this post, and boy does that coincidentally align well with this post.
We all want to live a life filled with joy, happiness, and good vibes. You know that feeling when you look all around you and think how it’s a great day, you’re surrounded by amazing people, and you’re really feeling yourself when you look at yourself in a mirror? Those are the positive vibes we all love experiencing! But there’s just one small problem…
Our ego often gets in the way and blocks our mind and being from cultivating a life centered around sustained positivity. Think about it - you’re having a great day, week, month, or year but then your mind suddenly gets in the way to tell you that you’re not worthy of experiencing the good vibes. Sound familiar? This negative mindset shift can drastically alter your psyche for the long haul if you let it.
The question we have to answer now is:
How can we reshape our mindset to think and sustain positive thoughts?
As someone who preaches simplicity, maybe we can make simple, subtle changes to our inner dialogue in order to develop a more sustainable positive outlook in a negative world.
“I’m just wandering” changes to “I’m seeking”
How many of you have hit that dreaded wall where all of life’s external forces decide to cave in on you and ask what you’re doing and where are you going?
We try to answer those two questions and depressingly come to the conclusion that we’re just wandering around aimlessly to no good purpose. It’s tough, even horrifying, when we start to have this inner dialogue flood our minds, casting doubt over our lives.
The worst part, from personal experience, is that we begin to look around at others and sink into this dark hole even more through social comparison.
Fortunately, those very same people whom you’re comparing yourself against would tell you the exact same story of what you’re going through and experiencing in the moment. No one has it all figured out right from the get go.
The beauty is that we’re all not wandering but rather seeking for a life that is true to each of our own values and intentions.
“I have to” changes to “I want to”
Have you ever been so excited to start a particular project but then feel that excitement wane over time? You started out energized and motivated as ever to get after the project, but that same enthusiasm dies down with the project becoming more of a chore. This subtle mental shift from “wanting to” do the project versus feeling obligated as if you “have to” get the project done is simple, yet profound.
You can easily shift your mindset from feeling stuck and obligated to a task to feeling the freedom of choice by changing the inner dialogue from “I have to” to “I want to”. This subtle shift profoundly impacts your mental state since you transition from feeling helpless and out of control to enthused and completely in control.
We always have the ability to choose what to do, so once we make that shift and realize we have control over choosing what we do and don’t do, life begins to feel a whole lot better!
Scarcity turns into Abundance
Similar to what I mentioned in the first point, we live in a world fueled by competition that has us always looking around to compare ourselves. We naturally tend to think about how much more success, whether through social influence or financial means, someone else has than us. But does someone else’s success leave you with less room to succeed?
We all have the ability to succeed and wish upon others great success too. By shifting our mindset from a world of scarcity to a life of abundance, the world magically opens up so many doors and opportunities to you, all while allowing the same for everyone else too!
What you choose to believe will manifest itself upon you, so it’s in all our best interests to choose a mindset centered around abundance rather than on an outlook centered around scarcity.
Dwelling on the Past
We all linger on the past, and I’m no exception to that. It’s important to look back upon the past constructively in order to progress forward, but there is a limit.
The harsh reality is that you can’t get the past back, but the present and future are both right in front of you. Seize the moment and remember to stay even keeled moving from moment to moment.
Failure turned into a Lesson
I know, I know.. the greatest cliché of them all, but hear me out now. Similar to the fourth point, it is important to take our failures and turn them into actionable, learning experiences.
I’d be remiss to say that I haven’t experienced a failure or two and dwelled on them in a negative light. We can wallow and weep in the failure or take that experience and finish the story on our own terms.
The universe will always find some odd way to turn your failures into your most pivotal moments for future success, but it will only do so if you allow yourself the opportunity and choice to learn from and progress from those experiences.
Next time you fail, embrace the experience. Feel out the pain momentarily, but then assess what it taught you and how it will help you grow as a human being going forward.
You’ll come back even stronger than ever, so don’t overlook the lessons of your failures. Otherwise, you might just miss out on something truly special in your life’s path.
Next time you feel your ego kick into high gear to lead you into a negative state of mind, catch yourself and make the subtle mindset and inner dialogue shifts to cultivate a life centered around sustained positivity!
“Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation.” - Michael Jordan